Chinese Characteristics (1894)


(1) Face
(2) Economy
(3) Industry
(4) Politeness
(5) Disregard of Time
(6) Disregard of Accuracy
(7) Talent for Misunderstanding
(8) Talent for Indirection
(9) Flexible Inflexibility
(10) Intellectual Turbidity
(11) Absence of Nerves
(12) Contempt for Foreigners
(13) Absence of Public Spirit
(14) Conservatism
(15) Indifference to Comfort and Convenience
(16) Physical Vitality
(17) Patience and Perseverance
(18) Content and Cheerfulness
(19) Filial Piety
(20) Benevolence
(21) Absence of Sympathy
(22) Social Typhoons
(23) Mutual Responsibility and Respect for Law
(24) Mutual Suspicion
(25) Absence of Sincerity
(26) Polytheism, Pantheism, Atheism
(27) The Real Condition of China and Her Present Needs


Smith drew his characteristics from observations of family and village life. This is a sociology of impressions, not data or fieldwork or surveys, which were hardly conceived of a century ago. Smith’s introduction to the work addressed many of its potential shortcomings, so while there is generalization, Smith aimed to be free of dogmatism and arrogance. Readers can judge how successful he was…..end quote from Donald.