
Social stratification

Social stratification refers to a society’s categorization of its people into groups based on socioeconomic factors like wealth, income, race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation, social status, or derived power (social and political). As such, stratification is the relative social position of persons within a social group, category, geographic region, or social unit.

In modern Western societies, social stratification is typically defined in terms of three social classes: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class; in turn, each class can be subdivided into the upper-stratum, the middle-stratum, and the lower stratum. Moreover, a social stratum can be formed upon the bases of kinship, clan, tribe, or caste, or all four.

Socioeconomic status

Agrarian society

Agrarian society were preceded by hunters and gatherers and horticultural societies and transition into industrial society. The transition to agriculture, called the Neolithic Revolution, has taken place independently multiple times. Horticulture and agriculture as types of subsistence developed among humans somewhere between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East. The reasons for the development of agriculture are debated but may have included climate change, and the accumulation of food surplus for competitive gift-giving.

Industrial society

In sociology, industrial society is a society driven by the use of technology and machinery to enable mass production, supporting a large population with a high capacity for division of labour. Such a structure developed in the Western world in the period of time following the Industrial Revolution, and replaced the agrarian societies of the pre-modern, pre-industrial age. Industrial societies are generally mass societies, and may be succeeded by an information society. They are often contrasted with traditional societies.


  • Generation X 1965-1980
  • Generation Y (Millennials) 1981-1996
  • Generation Z 1997-2012

Exploitation of labour

It denotes an unjust social relationship based on an asymmetry of power or unequal exchange of value between workers and their employers.

Social alienation



Discourse is a generalization of the notion of a conversation to any form of communication. Discourse is a major topic in social theory, with work spanning fields such as sociology, anthropology, continental philosophy, and discourse analysis. Following pioneering work by Michel Foucault, these fields view discourse as a system of thought, knowledge, or communication that constructs our experience of the world. Since control of discourse amounts to control of how the world is perceived, social theory often studies discourse as a window into power.



  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • Preferential attachment
  • Matthew effect


Universal value

Cultural universal

cultural relativism


Nuclear family

Extended family



Credentialism and educational inflation

Public Housing & Affordable Housing


Subsidized housing in the United States





在歐洲又稱「社會出租住宅」(Social Rented Housing,更強調其「只租不賣」的精神),簡單的說是指政府(直接或補助)興建或民間擁有之合於居住標準的房屋,採只租不賣模式,以低於市場租金或免費出租給所得較低的家戶或特殊的弱勢對象的住宅。(来源:居住正義2.0-居住正義之路在台北-可負擔住宅)




  • 台北市路邊公有汽車停車格約有五萬個
  • 「路邊停車格要收費而不是免費」這件事,在台灣也越來越普及。
  • [2022年] 北市停車管理工程處最近著手修法,針對使用率達8成的公有停車場及停車格,調高一小時收費60元的上限規範,避免車輛久佔。


Joint Tenancy (聯權共有)

「長命契」即是「聯權共有」,聯名人的業權權益互相重疊,各人均可自稱為擁有物業的全部。由於業權重疊,聯名人不能擅自轉讓名下業權。所有聯名共有人均有權優先繼承另一方的權益(Right of Survivorship),如其中一方離世,其所擁業權便會自動平分給其他在世的聯名人,不能當作遺產處理。







回歸後公營房屋佔全部房屋比例至今還是不過一半,根據《房屋統計數字2021》,去年出租公屋加上資助出售單位的比例只佔約45%,私人永久性房屋佔約54.2%。截至今年3月,相對應的單位數目為127.2萬和164.1萬個。(来源:房屋市場七三比」反映對政策的認知錯誤 | 香港01)





State monopoly capitalism




In Marxism, reification is the process by which social relations are perceived as inherent attributes of the people involved in them, or attributes of some product of the relation, such as a traded commodity.

Commodity fetishism

In Marxist philosophy, the term commodity fetishism describes the economic relationships of production and exchange as being social relationships that exist among things (money and merchandise) and not as relationships that exist among people.

Antonio Gramsci


  • Monarchy 君主制
  • Democracy 民主
  • Autocracy 专制
  • Bureaucracy 官撩
  • Aristocracy 贵族
  • Meritocracy 菁英政治
  • Oligarchy 寡头政治
  • Adhocracy


  • Feudalism 封建主义
  • Capitalism 资本主义
  • Crony capitalism
  • Ageism 年龄歧视
  • Adultism 成人主义
  • Consumerism 消费主义
  • Anti-consumerism 反消费主义
  • Nepotism 裙带关系
  • Cronyism
  • Recentism 短视主义
  • Terrorism 恐怖主义
  • Eco-terrorism 生态恐怖主义
  • Anarchism 无政府主义
  • Chauvinism 沙文主义
  • Colonialism 殖民主义
  • Anticolonialism 反殖民主义
  • Eurocentrism 欧洲中心主义
  • Conservatism 保守主义
  • Traditionalist conservatism

  • Atheism 无神论
  • Theism 有神论
  • Monism 一元论
  • Dualism 二元论
  • Nihilism 虚无主义
  • Absurdism
  • Existentialism
  • Skepticism 怀疑论

  • Relativism 相对主义
  • Individualism 个人主义
  • Classical liberalism 古典自由主义
  • Pluralism 多元化
  • Utilitarianism 功利主义
  • Hedonism 享乐主义
  • Bohemianism 波西米亚主义
  • Rationalism 理性主义
  • Optimism 乐观主义
  • Pessimism 悲观主义
  • Antinatalism 反生育主义
  • Positivism 实证主义

  • Statism 国家主义
  • Nationalism 民族主义
  • Communism 共产主义
  • Patriotism 爱国主义
  • Collectivism 集体主义
  • Authoritarianism 威权主义
  • Totalitarianism
  • Despotism
  • Socialism 社会主义
  • Paternalism 家长制
  • Utopianism
  • Utopian socialism
  • Technological utopianism 技术乌托邦
  • Quotaism 配额主义
  • Formalism

  • Idealism 理想主义
  • Materialism 唯物主义
  • Realism 现实主义
  • Empiricism 经验主义
  • Modernism 现代主义
  • Cynicism 犬儒主义
  • Mysticism 神秘主义
  • Feminism 女性主义
  • Triumphalism 必胜主义
  • Intellectualism
  • Anti-intellectualism
  • Supremacism

  • Anachronism 时代错置
  • Journalism 新闻业
  • Tabloid journalism 小报新闻
  • Tourism 旅游;旅游业
  • Wildlife tourism 野生动物旅游
  • Agritourism 农业旅游;农家乐
  • Mercantilism 重商主义
  • Catechism 教理问答
  • Cannibalism 食人主义
  • Escapism 空想
  • Ethical omnivorism 道德杂食主义
  • Vandalism
  • Quixotism
  • Neuroticism
  • Secularism