

1. Doppelgänger

  • Cam (2018)
    • Vanity mirror

2. Cuff

  • Love in a Puff (2010)
  • Love in the Buff (2012)
  • Love off the cuff (2017)

3. Ridership

  • Daily ridership

4. Incentive

5. Intact

6. Confidential

方滨兴在接受自己人《环球时报》采访时被问防火长城是如何运作的,他拒绝回答,说 It’s confidential.

7. Ambient

  • The AppBar insets its content based on the ambient MediaQuery’s padding
  • Ambient light sensor

8. Mitigate

At Auth0, we created a set of features that mitigate the risks associated with using refresh tokens by imposing safeguards and controls on their lifecycle.

9. Preen

When Jiang Zemin saw “Titanic,” he was extremely impressed. Was it the film’s politics? The scuffling between the disadvantaged proletariat below decks and preening nobs above?

10. Depilated

11. Compensation

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.


12. Terrace

Chrysanthemum Terrace

13. Ominous

ominous music playing


1. Elixir

Elixir of Love (2004)

2. Mindfulness


3. Initiative

  • Belt and Road Initiative
  • China Initiative

2021 (50)

1. Monopoly



2. Overwhelm

3. Recreation

4. Pathetic

5. Overlap

6. Ethnic

7. Outsource

8. Censor

9. Lawn

10. Beverage

11. Garment

12. Knit

13. Candidate

14. Invasion

US invasion

相关的还有 invading, conquer

15. Snooze

16. Gut

17. Versatile

18. Stencil

This is stencil ruler

Stencil graffiti

19. Census

20. Obsolete

21. Forge

22. Idiot

23. Lobby

24. Fraud

25. Insurrection

26. Imperative

Imperative mood

27. Logistics

28. Bonus

29. Jaintor

30. Germ

31. Lethal

32. Fond

33. Mute

34. Dangle


Carrot and Stick 有翻译成“软硬兼施”

Dangle 就是那个萝卜摇晃的样子,比喻带欺骗的奖励在钓你上钩。

Hong Kong Is Dangling Incentives to Get Vaccinated. That May Not Be Enough.

35. Onset

36 Hysteria

37. Shrew

The Taming of the Shrew

38. Specify

39. Nudge

40. Bully

41. Indicator

42. Alibi

43. Loot

Napoleonic looting of art
Napoleon’s Looted Art

44. Steward

45. Circadian

Circadian rhythm

46. Sentiment

User Sentiment

47. Ripple

ripple effect

48. Chronicle

Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

49. Pillar

Pillar of Shame

50. Diagonals

screen diagonals