The Third Chimpanzee | Excerpt

1992 by Vintage
2012 by 上海译文



The overall genetic distance between us and chimps is even smaller than the distance between such closely related bird species as red-eyed and white-eyed vireos, or willow warblers and chiffchaffs.

Part One: Just Another Species of Big Mammal

The visible differences between breeds of dogs such as great danes and pekinese are far greater than those between chimps and ourselves. Yet all dog breeds are interfertile, breed with each other (insofar as it is mechanically feasible) when given the opportunity, and belong to the same species.

Three: The Evolution of Human Sexuality

  • copulate
  • fertility
  • cholesterol
  • intertwined
  • carnivore
  • prowess
  • deficient
  • berry
  • dugout canoe
  • forage
  • orangutan
  • oestrus
  • sired
  • exertion
  • consort
  • accommodate
  • promiscuous
  • paternity
  • gull


page 299 / 329

The support for this view of ancient environmental destruction comes from sources such as contemporary accounts and archaeological evident. Yet a few sequences of photographs would constitute more decisive tests than all that anecdotal evidence combined. If we had snapshots of the same Greek hillside taken at thousand-year intervals, we could identify the plants, measure the ground cover, and calculate the shift from forest to goat-proof shrubs. We could thereby put numbers on the extent of environmental degradation.

Enter middens to the rescue again. While the Mideast does not have packrats, it does have rabbitsized, marmot-like animals called hyraxes that build middens in the same way as packrats. (Surprisingly, the closest living relatives of hyraxes may be elephants.) There Arizona scientists — “atricia Fall, Cynthia Lindquist, and Steven Falconer — studied hyrax middens at Jordan’s famous lost city of Petra, which typifies the paradox of ancient Western civilization. Petra is now especially familiar to movie-going aficionados of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, whose turn Indian Jones and the Last Crusade shows Scan Connery and Harrison Ford searching for the Holy Grail in Petra’s magnificent rock tombs and temples amidst the desert sand. Anyone who sees those scenes of Petra must wonder how such a wealthy city could have arisen and supported itself in such a bleak landscape. In fact, there was already a Neolithic village near the site of Petra before 7000 BC, and farming and herding appeared there soon after. Under the Nabataean kingdom, of which it was the capital, Petra thrived as a commercial centre controlling trade between Europe, Arabia, and the Orient. The city grew even larger and richer under Roman, then Byzantine, control. Yet it was subsequently abandoned and so completely forgotten that its ruins were not rediscovered until 1812. What caused Petra’s collapse?

Adrenaline Junkies and Template Zombies (2008)



1 Adrenaline Junkies
2 Rattle Yer Dags
3 Dead Fish
4 Happy Clappy Meetings
5 Nanny
6 Referred Pain
7 Mañana
8 Eve Contact
9 Management By Mood Ring
10 True Believer
11 Lease Your Soul
12 System Development Lemming Cycle
13 No Bench
14 Face Time
15 I Gave You a Chisel. Why Aren’t You Michelangelo?
16 Dashboards
17 Endless Huddle
18 Young Pups and Old Dogs
19 Film Critics
20 One Throat to Choke
Interlude: Project-Speak
21 Soviet Style
22 Natural Authority
23 The Too-Quiet Office
24 The White Line
25 Silence Gives Consent
26 Straw Man
27 Counterfeit Urgency
28 Time Removes Cards from Your Hand
29 Lewis & Clark
30 Short Pencil
31 Rhythm
32 The Overtime Predictor
33 Poker Night
34 False Quality Gates
35 Testing Before Testing
36 Cider House Rules
37 Talk Then Write
38 Project Sluts
39 Atlas
40 Everyone Wears Clothes for E
41 Peer Preview
42 Snorkeling and Scuba Diving
43 It’s Always the Goddamned Interfaces
44 The Blue Zone
45 News Improvement
46 Telling the Truth Slowly
47 Practicing Endgame
48 The Music Makers
49 Journalists
50 The Empty Chair
51 My Cousin Vinny
52 Feature Soup
53 Data Qualty
54 Ben
55 Miss Manners
56 Undivided Attention
57 “There’s No Crying in Baseball!”
58 Cool Hand Luke
59 Shipping On-Time, Every Time
60 Food++
61 Orphaned Deliverables
62 Hidden Beauty
63 | Don’t Know
64 Children of Lake Wobegon
65 Co-Education
66 Seelenverwandtschaft
67 Phillips Head
68 Predicting Innovation
69 Marilyn Munster
Interlude: The Cutting Room Floor
70 Brownie in Motion
71 Loud and Clear
72 Safety Valve
73 Babel
74 Surprise!
75 Fridge Door
76 The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow
77 Piling On
78 Seasons for Change
79 Paper Mill
80 Offshore Follies
81 War Rooms
82 What Smell?
83 Lessons Unlearned
84 Sanctity of the Half-Baked Idea
85 Leakage
86 Template Zombies




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书籍 - 清单


  • Economics in One Lesson (1946)
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad (1997)
  • Freakonomics (2005)
  • The Undercover Economist (2005)
  • The End of Poverty (2006)
  • The Logic of Life: The Rational Economics of an Irrational World (2008)
  • SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance (2009)
  • How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes (2010)
  • Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty (2011)
  • Fifty Things That Made The Modern Economy (2017)


  • The psychology of computer programming (1971)
  • Peopleware (1987)
  • Quality Software Management V 1 – Systems Thinking (1991)
  • Blink (2005)
  • Outliers (2008)
  • Adrenaline Junkies and Template Zombies (2008)
  • Rework (2010)
  • The Tipping Point (2000)
  • The Art of Thinking Clearly (2011)
  • The Art of the Good Life (2012)
  • How Will You Measure Your Life (2012)
  • Remote (2013)
  • Don’t Make Me Think (2013)
  • Zero to One (2014)
  • It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work (2018)


  • A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There (1949)
  • Desert Solitaire (1968)
  • The Monkey Wrench Gang (1975)
  • Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water (1986)
  • The Botany of Desire (2001)
  • Silent Spring (2002)
  • Braiding Sweetgrass (2013)
  • Flying Dinosaurs (2014)
  • The Triumph of Seeds (2015)
  • The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs (2018)



  • Emile, or On Education (1762)
  • How We Think (1910)
  • The Second Sex (1949)
  • A Little History of Philosophy (2011)
  • Why grow up (2014)



  • 倚天屠龙记 (1961-1963)


  • A Study in Scarlet (1887)
  • The Sign of Four (1890)
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892)
  • The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894)
  • The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902)
  • The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1904)
  • The Valley of Fear (1915)
  • His Last Bow (1917)
  • The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (1927)
  • The Second Lady (1970)


Human Sexuality

  • Sex Positions Illustrated (2012)
  • 365 Sex Moves (2012)
  • Oral Sex She’ll Never Forget (2010)
  • How To Give A Blow Job (2012)
  • How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure (1999)
  • She Comes First (2004)
  • Playing Well with Others (2012)
  • Sexual life in ancient China (1961)
  • Sex in China (1991)


  • Cat Call: Reclaiming the Feral Feminine (2019)


  • 101 Dirty Jokes - sexual and adult’s jokes