Human Sexuality


  • Sexual arousal, Erotic, Libido, Carnal, Erection, Circumcision


Sexual reproduction

  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
    • Obstetrics
    • Maternal tests
    • Fetal tests
    • Vaginal delivery
      • spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD)
      • assisted vaginal delivery (AVD)
      • induced vaginal delivery
      • normal vaginal delivery (NVD)
    • Episiotomy
    • Caesarean section
    • Shoulder dystocia
  • Menopause

Gender identity

  • Masculine
  • Feminine
  • Eunuch

Behavioral disorders

Erectile dysfunction




  • Alfred Kinsey
  • Paul Gebhard
  • Richard von Krafft-Ebing
  • Masters and Johnson


Polygraph (测谎器)

A polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector test, is a device or procedure that measures and records several physiological indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while a person is asked and answers a series of questions. The belief underpinning the use of the polygraph is that deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with non-deceptive answers. There are, however, no specific physiological reactions associated with lying, making it difficult to identify factors that separate those who are lying from those who are telling the truth. Polygraph examiners also prefer to use their own individual scoring method, as opposed to computerized techniques, as they may more easily defend their own evaluations.

Acupuncture (针灸)

Bloodletting (放血)

Trepanning (头部穿孔)


Cupping therapy (拔罐)

Hollow Earth (地球空洞说)

Perpetual motion (永动机)


Cylindrical batteries (圆柱状电池)

英文代号 中文
D 1号电池(燃气灶)
C 2号电池
AA 5号电池
AAA 7号电池(遥控器)
N 8号电池
AAAA 9号电池

Button cells (纽扣电池)

型号 材料 直径 高度 毫安时
CR2032 lithium 20 mm 3.2 mm 220 mAh
CR2032H lithium 20 mm 3.2 mm 240 mAh
CR2025 lithium 20 mm 2.5 mm 170 mAh


Rectangular batteries

Camera batteries



sexual distinction 性别
ancestral home 籍贯
nationality 民族
political affiliation 政治面貌
transitional settlement 过渡性安置点



year-on-year ratio
month-on-month ratio



Classical Hollywood cinema (1910s–1950s)

What is the difference between a studio and a distributor?

A studio is in charge of production of a film while a distributor is responsible for releasing films to the public either theatrically or for home viewing. Oftentimes, a studio and distributor are part of the same company and are responsible for all stages of a film from development through production, post-production, distribution and home entertainment. But there are a few studios that do not have a distribution arm and use other companies for theatrical release of their films. For this reason, the number of projects may vary for the same company based on whether you choose studio or distributor. To see a company’s full development slate, you should select “studio.”


  • Score 配乐
  • Dubbed 配音
  • Debut 首次出镜
  • Extra 临时演员
  • Stunt double 特技替身,同 Stuntman
  • Prequel 前传
  • Spin-off 外传
  • Presents 外传、番外,例如:American Pie Presents
  • Blockbuster 大片
  • Found footage 拾得录像
  • Close-up 特写
  • Open Captions
  • Closed Captions



Slasher, Splatter, Gritty




Rating system

MPAA Ratings

The MPAA ratings are provided for most movies at the box office and will sometimes be accompanied by descriptors that label the kind of content that might be seen in the movie.

  • General audiences (G): There is little to no content that would be deemed offensive or inappropriate for young children, and all ages are allowed to be admitted.
  • Parental guidance suggested (PG): There may be some material that is not suitable for children, and parents are encouraged to watch the film with their children. PG-rated films might have content like mild language or cartoon violence.
  • Parents strongly cautioned (PG-13): Some of the material may be inappropriate for children under thirteen years of age and parents should be cautious. Movies with a PG-13 rating may include content like strong language, violence, some brief nudity or sexual content, and drug use.
  • Restricted (R): A rated-R movie contains adult material for mature audiences. Viewers seventeen years of age and younger may be required by theaters to be accompanied by an adult guardian. Movies with an R rating may include content like graphic sex scenes, intense violence, or strong profanity.
  • Adults only (NC-17): Previously known as the X rating, a movie with an NC-17 rating will have strong sexual and violent content. Theaters may refuse to admit viewers seventeen years old and under, even if they are accompanied by an adult.
  • Unrated: An unrated label means that this film is not yet rated and has not yet received content warnings from the ratings board. Many theaters will not screen unrated movies.

Motion Picture Association film rating system

TV Parental Guidelines

Film editing

Fast cutting

Fast cutting is a film editing technique which refers to several consecutive shots of a brief duration (e.g. 3 seconds or less).

Subtitles or Captions

United States

Adam Aron on Twitter

I am proud to announce that @AMCTheatres permanently will offer some Open Caption showtimes each week. Well marked on our web site and mobile app. A real advance for those with hearing difficulties or where English is a second language. And right in time for Eternals from @Disney

Bong Joon Ho on 92nd Academy Awards

Once you overcome the one inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films

United Kingdom

Me Before You (2016)

Will Traynor: I’m just amazed that you could reach the ripe old age of, what?
Lou Clark: Twenty-six.
Will Traynor: Twenty-six, and never have watched a film with subtitles.



70 mm

70 mm film (or 65 mm film) is a wide high-resolution film gauge for motion picture photography, with negative area nearly 3.5 times as large as the standard 35 mm motion picture film format. As used in cameras, the film is 65 mm (2.6 in) wide. For projection, the original 65 mm film is printed on 70 mm (2.8 in) film. The additional 5 mm are for four magnetic strips holding six tracks of stereophonic sound. Although later 70 mm prints use digital sound encoding (specifically the DTS format), the vast majority of existing and surviving 70 mm prints pre-date this technology.

Each frame is five perforations tall, with an aspect ratio of 2.2:1. However, the use of anamorphic Ultra Panavision 70 lenses squeezes the image into an ultra-wide 2.76:1 aspect ratio. To this day, Ultra Panavision 70 produces the widest picture size in the history of filmmaking; surpassed only by Polyvision, which was only used for 1927’s Napoleon.
