
























  • 2014年,原定将全省高中暑假缩短两周,分配给“10月选考”与“4月选考”后,放“春假”和“秋假”,但社会反响强烈,该政策没有推进。
  • 2018年,英语第一次高考时出现了“加权赋分”,但之后政策被废除,相关官员被处分。











全国高等学校名单 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站


教育部关于公布2019年度普通高等学校本科专业备案和审批结果的通知 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站




“211工程”学校名单 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站
“985工程”学校名单 - 中华人民共和国教育部政府门户网站








A Little History of Philosophy (2011)


If you toss a coin it can come up heads or tails. There is a 50/50 chance of either, unless the coin has a bias. So it doesn’t really matter which side you bet on as it is just as likely each time you toss the coin that heads will come up as tails. If you aren’t sure whether or not God exists, what should you do? Is it like tossing a coin? Should you gamble on God not existing, and live your life as you please? Or would it be more rational to act as if God does exist, even if the odds on this being true are very long? Blaise Pascal (1623-62), who did believe in God, thought hard about this question.

Pascal was a devout Catholic. But unlike many Christians today, he had an extremely bleak view of humanity. He was a pessimist. Everywhere he saw evidence of the Fall, the imperfections we have which he thought were due to Adam and Eve betraying God’s trust by eating the apple from the Tree of knowledge. Like Augustine, he believed that human being are driven by sexual desire, are unreliable and easily bored. Everyone is wretched. Everyone is torn between anxiety and despair. We should realize how insignificant we all are. The short time that we are on earth is, in relation to the eternity both before and after our lives, almost meaningless. We each occupy a tiny space in the infinite space of the universe. Yet, at the same time, Pascal believed that humanity has some potential if we don’t lose sight of God. We are somewhere between beasts and angels, but probably quite a lot closer to the beasts in most cases and for most of the time.

Rework (2010)

Resumes are ridiculous

We all know resumes are a joke. They’re exaggerations. They’re filled with “action verbs” that don’t mean anything. They list job titles and responsibilities that are vaguely accurate at best. And there’s no way to verify most of what’s on there. The whole thing is a farce.

Worst of all, they’re too easy. Anyone can create a decent-enough resume. That’s why half-assed applicants love them so much. They can shotgun out hundreds at a time to potential employers. It’s another form of spam. They don’t care about landing your job; they just care about landing any job.

If someone sends out a resume to three hundred companies, that’s huge red flag right there. There’s no way that applicant has researched you. There’s no way he knows what’s different about your company.

if you hire based on this garbage, you’re missing the point of what hiring is about. Your want a specific candidate who cares specifically about your company, your products, your customers, and your job.

So how do you find these candidates? First step: Check the cover letter. In a cover letter, you get actual communication instead of a list of skills, verbs, and years of irrelevance. There’s no way an applicant can churn out hundreds of personalized letters. That’s why the cover letter is a much better test than a resume. You hear someone’s actual voice and are able recognize if it’s in tune with you and your company.

Trust your gut reaction. If the first paragraph sucks, the second has to work that much harder. If there’s no hook in the first three, it’s unlikely there’s a match there. On the other hand, if your gut is telling you there’s a chance at real match, then move on to the interview stage.

Forget about formal education

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. – MARK TWAIN

There are plenty of companies out there who have educational requirements. They’ll only hire people with a college degree (sometimes in a specific field) or an advanced degree or a certain GPA or certification of some sort or some other requirement.

Come on. There are plenty of intelligent people who don’t excel in the classroom. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need someone from one of the “best” schools in order to get results. Ninety percent companies did not receive undergraduate degrees from Ivy League colleges. In fact, more received their undergraduate degrees from the University of Wisconsin than from Harvard (the most heavily represented Ivy school, with nine CEOs).

Too much time in academia can actually do you harm. Take writing, from example. When you get out of school, you have to unlearn so much of the way they teach you to write there. Some of the misguided lessons you learn in academia:

  • The longer a document is, the more it matters.
  • Stiff, formal tone is better than being conversational.
  • Using big words is impressive.
  • You need to write a certain number of words or pages to make a point.
  • The format matters as much (or more) than the content of what you write.

It’s no wonder so much business writing winds up dry, wordy, and dripping with nonsense. People are just continuing the bad habits they picked up in school. It’s not just academia writing, either. There are a lot of skills that are useful in academia that aren’t worth much outside of it.

Bottom line: The pool of great candidates is far bigger than just people who completed college with a stellar GPA. Consider dropouts, people who had low GPAs, community-college students, and even those who just went to high school.

Philosophy Terminology

  • Agnosticism
    • Agnostic 不可知论
  • Altruism & Egoism 利他主义 & 利己主义
  • Empiricism 经验主义
  • Epicureanism 伊壁鸠鲁主义
  • Hedonism 享乐主义
  • Pantheism 泛神论
  • Rationalism 理性主义
  • Skepticism 怀疑论
  • Utilitarianism 功利主义
  • Ontology 本体论
  • Gadfly 牛虻
  • Cynicism 犬儒
  • Asceticism


  1. The original story focused solely on an alien living in a forest, trying to overcome his isolation and find out where he came from. Lilo didn’t become a part of the film until much later during story development.

  2. The filmmakers considered setting the story in rural Kentucky or Kansas before finally settling on Hawaii.

  3. Stitch was not originally supposed to talk, but when the filmmakers realized the story hinged on him being able to express himself at the film’s end, they began developing his voice. Director Chris Sanders provided Stitch’s voice during test animation, and eventually everyone got so used to it that they decided to keep it.

  4. Stitch was originally supposed to the leader of an intergalactic gang, and Jumba was supposed to be his former partner who was sent to earth to find him. The filmmakers eventually decided to make Stitch a genetic mutation instead.

  5. In the same vein, Lilo was supposed to remind Stitch of what he was like before he became an intergalactic criminal, and inspire him to regain his innocence and goodness.

  6. After an early test screening showed that audiences thought Nani was Lilo’s mother, filmmakers reworked some key scenes to make their sisterly relationship clear.

  7. Lilo & Stitch was the first Disney animated film since Dumbo to use watercolor painted backgrounds.

  8. The film had special premieres in Honolulu and in Graceland.

  9. While on a tour of Kauaʻi, filmmakers noticed that their Hawaiian tour guide seemed to know someone everywhere they went. They were so struck by the guide’s explanation of the term “‘ohana” as it relates to an extended family, that they made it the central theme of the film.

  10. Lilo & Stitch was the first feature length animated film to be set in Hawaii.

  11. Tia Carrere and Jason Scott Lee (who voiced Nani and David) helped rewrite their characters’ dialogue using correct Hawaiian colloquialisms and slang.
