Computer programmer

Known for Language

Gilad Bracha

  • he worked on the Dart programming language team.
  • He is a co-author of the second and third editions of the Java Language Specification, and a major contributor to the second edition of the Java Virtual Machine Specification.

Lars Bak

  • In 1994, he joined LongView Technologies LLC, where he designed and implemented high performance virtual machines for both Smalltalk and Java.
  • 1997, Bak became engineering manager and technical lead in the HotSpot team at Sun’s Java Software Division where he developed a high-performance Java virtual machine.
  • In 2004, Bak joined Google to work on the Chrome browser.
  • co-developed the Dart programming language presented at the 2011.
  • In 2017, Bak left Google and soon afterward co-founded a startup with Kasper Lund called Toitware, which is building a new programming language called Toit and a platform for Internet of Things systems.

Known for Open-source

Ryan Dahl

  • original developer of the Node.js JavaScript runtime and the Deno JavaScript and TypeScript runtime.
  • In 2018 he announced Deno, a JavaScript/TypeScript runtime built with V8.

Known for Commerical

Dmitry Jemero

Neha Narkhede

  • her first job at Oracle as a principal software engineer. After Oracle, she worked as the lead of streams infrastructure at LinkedIn.
  • While working at LinkedIn in 2011, Narkhede created the Platform Apache Kafka, along with Jun Rao and Jay Kreps.
  • In 2014 she founded Confluent, Confluent as a company has filed for an IPO on June 1, 2021 and was valued at $4.5 billion.

Known Computer Science

Tony Hoare

Alfred Aho (1941)

Known for Book

Gerald Weinberg