Brand story

Why Alarms Snooze for 9 Minutes


This Is Why Alarms Snooze for 9 Minutes Instead of 10


the most common theory seems to come down to simplicity. A double-digit snooze would be harder to program than a single-digit one, so designers figured the less complicated design was the way to go.


From the Archives: Hacking Film – Why 24 Frames Per Second?



This is why the iPhone’s snooze setting last 9 minutes
Why did Apple choose nine minutes as the default time delay for the snooze button?

Which direction do locks unlock

Square on the bottom of toothpaste

the green color indicates the toothpaste is all-natural
a blue mark indicates that it contains a mix of medicine and natural ingredients
a red mark indicates a mix of natural and chemical ingredients
and a black mark indicates all chemical ingredients

Do Color Codes on a Tube of Toothpaste Mean Anything?

Button up

Everybody knows the purpose of the buttons on our clothes, which are obviously designed with the main purpose to keep our clothes shut. But when it comes to women’s shirts, have you ever wondered why these buttons on the left side are, Having in mind that most people are right-handed?

Wouldn’t it be, then, more reasonable to put the buttons on the right side? Well, the answer to this question takes us back to the earlier times, in which wearing a shirt was an indicator of your social and financial status. If the shirt you were wearing had buttons, it indicated that you had a maid to dress you up, and while the buttons were to your left, the buttons were to your maid’s right.

Bobby pin

A bobby pin is the kind of accessory that may look so simple at first glance, but once you start wearing it, you start to notice how many hairstyles rely on them. But perhaps you’ve been using them wrong this whole time.

As it turns out, its uses are endless. Although it seems like a pretty straightforward tool, most people have been using it wrong, putting in the bobby pins with the grooved side up. Can you relate? To most, this grooved side intends to make the pin look more stylish, even though its real purpose is to help the bobby pin stay in place. So if what you want is your hair to be better held, then you need to face the grooved side to your scalp and see the big change!

The holes on your Converse trainers

Ever wondered what those extra shoelace holes in your trainers are for? You don’t need to wonder anymore! Maybe it has crossed your mind that these holes are there to provide ventilation to your feet or that are there just for a cute design purpose. You’re totally right! But did you know you can play with them and adjust them for your comfort?

Originally, Converse were basketball sneakers, so the holes were strategically positioned in order to give the players the option to alternate their lacing technique and avoid tripping on the court. Although there is no reason for them to be there anymore, unless you do make use of it, the little holes remain just as an iconic feature.

What are those stickers on our fruits?

Have you ever stared at a fruit with a pesky sticker on it and thought, “what in the world are these for?!” Yes, we can see some brand names on this sticker that give us the idea of a brand wanting to boast itself. But we also see some numbers, do you wonder what these are for?

These stickers tell us about the country, the producer and its nature. Not only that, the numbers shown are normally 4 digits, with the first number being 4, which indicates that this particular fruit has been sprayed with pesticides. If instead, there are 5 digits and the first one is 8, the fruit has been genetically modified, and if there are 5 digits and the first is 9, the fruit has grown organically.

The origin of pom-pom

Who doesn’t love those beanie hats? They not only protect us from those cold days but they also look just too cute once on our heads. However, did you know that the beloved beanie hats were not originally designed with this purpose? Back then, it was more than just a cute accessory. So what was the real purpose behind the pom poms?

What we see now as a funny pom-pom, had a very different function back when they were invented. Were the Vikings who created these fluffy designs to, yes, keep their heads and ears warm during the winter, but the pom pom sewn on the top ensure the seams of the hat from falling apart. Later on, these were replaced with buttons.

Wooden coat hanger

Wooden coat hangers tend to be more expensive than the regular plastic or wire ones, so with the idea in mind that their purpose is the same, people don’t think much of it, and randomly decide to go for one or the other. However, the wooden hangers have more to offer than just looking fancy; they are actually beneficial for our clothing.

These wooden hangers are not only more durable, visually more appealing and great to use for heavy clothing, but these are also made of cedarwood, which is known for repelling bugs. So, if you want to extend your clothing life, you definitely need some of these in your wardrobe.

The long neck bottle

The design intends to encourage a person to hold the bottle at the top, so the liquid inside will not warm up with the contact of or hands.

Lollipops stick to whistle

The hole is there to prevent people from choking, as it makes it very hard for the hard candy to come off.

The McFlurry spoon

An ex-McDonald’s employee revealed its real use and we bet it isn’t what you were expecting. It turns out this design is not meant for the consumers at all, but to make the process easier for the employees. In this process, the McDonald’s employees fill the cup with ice cream, they dump the Oreos on top and stick the spoon in, then proceed to use the spoon to stir your McFlurry through a machine.

Cup solo

Who doesn’t know the red Solo brand cups? They are at almost every party! We’re all familiar with them, and with the random red lines around them. But did you ever wonder if they were there for a reason? Probably not, and that’s what we’re here for. Apparently, these lines are not there allocated randomly… any guess as to what might be their function?

Each line in the cup can serve to measure the quantity of liquid for the different kinds of alcohol. The bottom of the line is for a shot of liquor, the middle line is a recommended dose of wine, and the upper lines are there to mark the ideal amount of beer.

The famous BIC lid

Who’s never chewed on pen lids? Most of us have done it when we’re nervous or bored. But did you ever notice the hole in the lid and wondered what was it there for? If you thought it’s there to avoid the ink drying out, keep it balanced to prevent it from leaking or regulate air pressure, you’re not completely wrong! However, its main purpose might surprise you, as it could literally save your life.

Around a hundred people die in the U.S each year from choking on these pen lids (we never knew that either). In order to reduce this number, BIC’s lids have a hole on the top that, in case of swallowing, prevents the windpipe from getting entirely blocked and allows the passage of air, allowing the person to breathe. I bet you never knew this seemingly innocent hole can save your life. Ingenious? Other companies are introducing similar ideas.

The gas gauge indicator

Did it ever happen that you need to fuel your car, but you just can’t seem to remember which side your gas cap is at? Maybe you haven’t noticed it yet, but your car has always tried to save you from the hassle to remember which side to park at.

ou may have noticed a little arrow next to the gas signal light in your car, and while you might’ve believed it was a useless feature, the opposite is true. As useless as it may look, it has its own mission: to indicate the side of the car where the gas tank is accessible. It comes in handy, especially if you are driving someone else’s car.


The Real Purpose Behind Everyday Items