Mythology & Religion

Holy Bible



The Holy Bible in the English language

  • 1380年,威克里夫将当时通用的拉丁文圣经译成中古英文。
  • King James Version,由英王詹姆斯一世的命令下翻译的英文版本圣经,于1611年出版。该部圣经词汇量一共只有8000个常用的英文单词,因此十分容易理解。



Abrahamic religions

The Abrahamic religions are a group of religions centered around worship of the God of Abraham. Abraham, a Hebrew patriarch, is extensively mentioned throughout Abrahamic religious scriptures the Bible, Quran and Torah.

Christian denomination






Easter is a Christian festival and cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.




Sectarianism is a political or cultural conflict between two groups, which are often related to the form of government which they live under. Prejudice, discrimination, or hatred can arise in these conflicts, depending on the political status quo and if one group holds more power within the government.


a form of Christian prayer or meditation in which a person seeks to pass beyond mental images and concepts to a direct experience of the divine.

Liturgy of the Hours

Lauds is a canonical hour of the Divine office. In the Roman Rite Liturgy of the Hours it is one of the major hours, usually held after Matins, in the early morning hours.




In Abrahamic religions and theology, salvation is the saving of the soul from sin and its consequences. It may also be called deliverance or redemption from sin and its effects. Depending on the religion or even denomination, salvation is considered to be caused either only by the grace of God (i.e. unmerited and unearned), or by faith, good deeds (works), or a combination thereof. Religions often emphasize that man is a sinner by nature and that the penalty of sin is death (physical death, spiritual death: spiritual separation from God and eternal punishment in hell).


the first season of the Church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays.


  • 6th Century BCE
  • In 2019, the world Jewish population was estimated at 14.7 million, or roughly 0.19% of the total world population.


The Torah is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In that sense, Torah means the same as Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls (also the Qumran Caves Scrolls) are ancient Jewish and Hebrew religious manuscripts discovered between 1946 and 1956 at the Qumran Caves in what was then Mandatory Palestine, near Ein Feshkha in the West Bank, on the northern shore of the Dead Sea.




The Talmud is a record of the rabbinic debates in the 2nd-5th century on the teachings of the Torah, both trying to understand how they apply and seeking answers for the situations they themselves were encountering.

The Torah and Talmud together form the background of Judaism today, with the Biblical commands often being re-interpreted in the light of the Talmudic debates (eg ‘an eye for an eye’ does not mean literal physical retribution but financial compensation for the pain, public embarrassment, time off work, medical fees etc).


  • is a Jewish house of worship.
  • where Jews attend religious services or special ceremonies (including weddings, b’nai mitzvah, confirmations, choir performances, or even children’s plays), have rooms for study, social hall(s), administrative and charitable offices, classrooms for religious school and Hebrew school, sometimes Jewish preschools, and often have many places to sit and congregate;


  • 1st century
  • 以罗马主教、即教宗为领袖
  • 天主教会的自治团体,主要分为由修道士或修女组成的各种男女修会、以及由平信徒组成的各种善会。在教会法上,教会的自治团体需要获得教会当局的批准方能建立。
  • 亨利四世原为新教信徒,为了继承法国王位,改信天主教。
  • 旧约圣经原是犹太教主要经籍《塔纳赫》


  • Bishop
  • Priest
  • Deacon



Patron saint


(in the Roman Catholic Church) a grant by the Pope of remission of the temporal punishment in purgatory still due for sins after absolution. The unrestricted sale of indulgences by pardoners was a widespread abuse during the later Middle Ages.


耶稣会(拉丁语:Societas Iesu,简写为S.J.或S.I.)是天主教会的主要男修会之一,1534年8月15日由依纳爵·罗耀拉与方济·沙勿略、伯铎·法伯尔等人共同于巴黎成立,出于反宗教改革的需要,重视神学教育、对教会的忠诚度以及向青年传教,发愿守贞、神贫,并要求会士对修会及圣座的命令绝对服从。


  • 16th century
  • 华人俗称为“基督教”
  • 否定天主教教皇制,更相信所有信徒都具有祭司的身份。
  • “新教”之西方词源拉丁文“protestatio”(“抗议”),是指1529年神圣罗马帝国宣布路德为异端之后所引起的强烈抗议,而汉译“新教”是用作区别宗教改革前之“旧教”天主教。

Martin Luther

Ninety-five Theses



  • Pastor

Sola fide (因信称义)

Five solae (五个唯独)







“Quaker City”作为费城(Philadelphia)的别名,因而费城人也被称为“Quaker”

Islam (伊斯兰教,回教)

  • 7th century CE
  • 《古兰经》为基础,信仰安拉,全球约有19亿穆斯林
  • 逊尼派是伊斯兰教最大的教派,什叶派是伊斯兰教第二大的宗派


The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, contains references to more than fifty people and events also found in the Bible. While the stories told in each book are generally comparable, there are also some notable differences. Knowing that versions written in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament does predate the Quran, Christians reason the Quran as being derived directly or indirectly from the earlier materials. Muslims understand the Quran to be direct knowledge from an omnipotent God. As such, some Muslims believe that the earlier versions are distorted through flawed processes of transmission and interpretation over time, and consider the Quran’s version to be more accurate.

Often, stories related in the Quran tend to concentrate on the moral or spiritual significance of events rather than the details. Biblical stories come from diverse sources and authors, so their attention to detail varies individually.


Sunni Islam

Shia Islam


Qisas is an Islamic term interpreted to mean “retaliation in kind”



Eastern Orthodoxy is the predominant religion in Russia (77%), where roughly half the world’s Eastern Orthodox Christians live. The religion is also heavily concentrated in the rest of Eastern Europe, where it is the majority religion in Ukraine (65.4%–77%), Romania (82%), Belarus (48%–73%), Greece (95%–98%), Serbia (97%), Bulgaria (88%), Moldova (93%), Georgia (84%), North Macedonia (65%), Cyprus (89%) and Montenegro (72%).




(originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.



(in Buddhism) a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism.

Reading Excerpt






Strait is the Gate


I used to like learning the piano, because it seemed to me that I was able to make some progress in it every day. That too, perhaps, is the secret of the pleasure I take reading a book in a foreign language; not, indeed, that I prefer any other language whatever to our own, or that the writers I admire in it appear to me in any way inferior to those of other countries — but the slight difficulty that lies in the pursuit of their meaning and feeling, the uncouscious pride of overcoming this difficulty, and of overcoming it more and more successfully, adds to my intellectual pleasure a certain spiritual contentment, which it seems to me I cannot do without.

However blessed it might be, I cannot desire a state without progress. I imagine heavenly joy, not as a confounding of the spirit with God, but as an infinite, a perpetual drawing near to Him… and if I were not afraid of playing upon words I should say that I did not care for any joy that was not progressive.


This morning we were sitting on the bench in the avenue; we were not talking, and did not feel any need to talk… Suddenly he asked me if I believed in a future life.

“Oh! Jérôme!” I cried at once, “it is more than hope I have; it is certainty.”

And it seemed to me, on a sudden, that my whole faith had, as it were, been poured into the exclamation.

“I should like to know,” he added. He stopped a few moments; then: “Would you act differently without your faith?”

“How can I tell?” I answered; and I added: “And you, my dear, you yourself, and in spite of yourself, can no longer act otherwise than as if you were inspired by the liveliest faith And I should not love you if you were different.”

No, Jérôme, no, it is not after a future recompense that our virtue is striving; it is not for recompense that our love is seeking. A generous soul is hurt by the idea of being rewarded for its efforts; nor does it consider virtue an adornmen: no, virtue is the form of its beauty.

The Red and the Black

Edited and Translated with Notes by CATHERINE SLATER | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

BOOK ONE CHAPTER 24: A capital city

Her barmaid’s imagination supplying her with lies in plenty.

BOOK TWO CHAPTER 2: Entry into society

Ridiculous and touching memory: the salon where one made one’s first appearance at eighteen, alone and without patronage! A woman’s glance was enough to intimidate me. The harder I tried to please, the more awkward I became. I got quite the wrong ideas about everything; either I was confiding with no justification; or I saw a man as an enemy because he had looked at me gravely. But at that time, in the midst of the terrible misfourtunes caused by my shyness, how really fine a fine day was!

Juline stood dumbfounded in the middle of the courtyard.

“Do try to look as if you had your wits about you,” said Father Pirard; “you have these horrible ideas, and then you act just like a child! What’s happened to Horace’s nil mirari?” (Never show any enthusiasm.) Just think that this tribe of lackeys, on seeing you established here, will try to make fun of you; they will see in you an equal who has been unjustly put above them. Beneath outward appearances of good nature, kind advice, and a desire to guide you, they will try to get you to put your foot in it in a big way.”

BOOK TWO CHAPTER 8: What decoration distinguishes a man?

Associated with high birth and a great deal of wealth, genius isn’t a mark of ridicule, and in that case what a distinction!

BOOK TWO Chapter 14: A young lady’s thoughts

She couldn’t abide lack of character, it was her only objection to the handsome young men who surround her. The more they graciously mocked everything from fashion, or which fails to follow it properly while thinking it does so, the more they damned themselves in her eyes.

BOOK TWO Chapter 19: The Opera Bouffe

She would look at Julien and find delightful charm in his most trivial actions.

“Punish me for my appalling pride,” she said to him, hugging him in her arms till he could hardly breathe. “You’re my master, I’m your slave, I must ask your pardon on my knees for having tried to rebel.” She slipped out of his arms to fall at his feet. “Yes, you’re my master,” she said to him, still intoxicated with happiness and love. “Reign over me for ever, punish your slave severely when she tries to rebel.”

A Doll’s House

Act II

I am the most wretched of all my patients,




  • Leibniz baroque wig
  • Wigs in Court

Frock Coat

A frock coat is a formal men’s coat characterised by a knee-length skirt cut all around the base just above the knee, popular during the Victorian and Edwardian periods (1830s–1910s).

Waistcoat (坎肩)

Blouse (罩衫)

A blouse is a loose-fitting upper garment that was worn by workmen, peasants, artists, women, and children. It is typically gathered at the waist or hips (by tight hem, pleats, parter, or belt) so that it hangs loosely over the wearer’s body. Today, the word most commonly refers to a girl’s or woman’s dress shirt.









They usually have a canvas or cotton fabric upper and a flexible sole made of esparto rope.



A garter is an article of clothing comprising a narrow band of fabric fastened about the leg to keep up stockings. In the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, they were tied just below the knee, where the leg is most slender, to keep the stocking from slipping.





New Balance (1906)

美津浓 (1906)

PUMA (1948)


Adidas (1949)


亚瑟士 (1949)


Nike (1964)


Decathlon (1976)


Inditex (1985)



Under Armour (1996)

Hunkemöller (1886)


Wacoal (1949)

Agent Provocateur (1994)

Agent Provocateur is a British lingerie retailer.



Bighead Carp (大头鱼)

  • 黑鰱、鳙鱼
  • 滤食性淡水鱼,滤食浮游动物,有洄游习性

Grass carp (草鱼)

  • 食草性淡水鱼,河川、水库、湖泊的中下水域,3至4岁成熟,食稗草、象草等

Silver carp (鲢鱼)

  • 白鲢
  • 淡水鱼、善跳跃,向上游洄游产卵

Black carp (青鱼)

  • 全身黝黑、体型壮硕、肉食性

Salmon (鲑鱼)

  • 三文鱼
  • 肉食性,在河流上游的淡水环境下孵化成幼鱼,成年后迁徙到海水中生活

Groupers (石斑鱼)


  • 凶猛、肉食性
  • 苏州的松鼠鳜鱼、徽州的臭鳜鱼

Cod (鳕鱼)



Chickpea (鹰嘴豆)